Quarter 4, 2024 Engineering Team Update
The engineering team of AE2S, Black and Veatch (BV), and KLJ advanced a number of technical evaluations for the WDRWS Project.
Pipeline and Intake Corridor Study: KLJ has been leading a Critical Issues Analysis (CIA) of potential pipeline corridors for the engineering team. The purpose of the CIA is to identify environmental, cultural, and social resource attributes which may hinder development or routing of a proposed pipeline. The CIA for transmission pipelines from the Missouri River to the Rapid City metro area was completed in 2023. The CIA for potential pipeline corridors north and south of the metro area will be completed by the end of 2024.
The engineering team has also been simultaneously working on multiple intake evaluations, led by BV. The efforts have been evaluating intake options in both Lake Oahe and the Missouri River below Lake Oahe. A third alternative is looking at converting an irrigation pumping facility located adjacent to the Lake Oahe Power Plant into a supply source for the project as well. Design concepts have been developed for all three alternatives. Cost estimates for the alternatives will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024 and presented to the board of directors at their December 2024 meeting.